Colección: Rooibos Teas

Rooibos, Honeybush & Lemon Myrtle Teas

Rooibos teas are herbal infusions (tisanes) made from a South African red bush and sometimes called "bush tea." There are also green Rooibos tisanes that are just as delicious as the popular red bush tisanes. Rooibos tisanes are delicious iced or hot and come in a wide variety of flavors.
Benefits of Rooibos:

  • May support the immune system, promoting well-being
  • Helps promote digestion
  • May provide relief from an upset stomach
  • Naturally caffeine-free, so great for kids!

Honeybush is a fragrant herbal infusion prepared from the honey-scented flowers, leaves, & stems of the Cyclopia plant. Indigenous to the Cape Mountain region of South Africa, honeybush is also caffeine-free and low in tannins.

Our bush tea blends also include Lemon Myrtle.  The Lemon Myrtle tree is indigenous to the coastal, sub-tropical rainforests of Queensland, Australia. Its leaf has a unique, refreshing flavor and aroma of a blend of lemongrass and lemon. Lemon Myrtle is the world's richest known source of citral.